Oct 19, 2009

Welcome to our first class

I'm glad to see everyone that made to the first class of our LIBR 105!  I hope that you are all excited to start this library research class with me.  And I hope that you found the library tour after the course introduction to be informative.

I'd love to know why you're attending this class, let me know by commenting on this post.  (to satisfy credit requirements? to learn about library research skills? what else?)


  1. I thought it would be a good idea to take this class to learn more about how to use the library to my advantage. Especially when it comes to researching. Also, I wanted to become more familiar with the resources at the library and the school.

  2. I decided to take this class because, as a transfer student to the college, I don't really know that much about the library. However, as a Senior, I thought this class would help to force me to learn how to use the library, so I can implement the information I learn when I have to do my Senior Research paper next semester.
